Kuang Si or Kouang Si Waterfall is one of the highlights – if not THE highlight – of Luang Prabang. A single large cascade tumbles from the jungle feeding a series of falls and pools that make perfect swimming holes. Laos may be a landlocked nation without beaches but Kuang Si’s cool turquoise waters make up for it. Don’t dismiss it as “just another waterfall.” I’ve never met a visitor disappointed by it.
(Post up to date as of January 4, 2015)
Distance to Kuang Si
It’s 23 km from town and takes approximately 45 minutes by tuk-tuk. Here are all the ways you can get to Kuang Si.
How to get to Kuang Si Waterfall in Luang Prabang
Tuk tuk to Kuang Si Waterfall
A roundtrip tuk-tuk ride should cost around 180,000 – 200,000 kip or $22-25 USD (the driver will wait for you at the falls to bring you back to town). Pay the driver when you return to town. Before you gripe that it sounds like a lot for a tuk-tuk, remember that petrol in Laos is relatively expensive, the driver has to pay one of those special government fees for the privilege to take you there and this trip is likely his fare for the day.
Pro: The most straightforward and easiest ways to go. You can go and return whenever you want to.
Con: Though the road to Kuang Si is nicely paved, you do feel ever bump in a tuk-tuk. Also not so comfortable for tall people.
Shared tuk-tuk – the cheapest way to get to Kuang Si Waterfall
The tuk-tuk driver will try to round up as many people to join and split the cost, which will start at 200,000 kip. It will cost you around 50,000 kip per person and the driver will leave when the tuk-tuk has 4-5 people. You’ll see touts who organize this at the big intersection in front of the post office, fruit shake and baguette stands.
Pro: This can be one of the cheapest ways to get to Kuang Si.
Con: You can wait a very long time for the touts/drivers to find people to join and he is the one who ultimately decides when you leave town. You also have to agree as a group on a set departure time from the falls.

Shared minivan to Kuang Si Waterfall
Travel agents can sell you a spot on a public minivan shuttle. The quality of minivan varies but if you’re lucky it will be air-conditioned. There are set departure and return times. At the time of writing this, cost is 60,000 kip and departure times are 11:30 am and 1:30 pm.
Pro: The cheapest way to get to Kuang Si.
Con: The minivan picks up passengers at everyone’s individual hotels and this process can be slow. Return times are also set. You only get a few hours at the falls.
Boat to Kuang Si Waterfall

This is the method I recommend as this combines two must-do experiences in Luang Prabang – the waterfalls and a boat ride on the Mekong. The Banana Boat BB01 trip will take you one hour downriver through gorgeous mountain scenery. You can’t get all the way to Kuang Si via the Mekong so you’ll stop as close to it as possible, then catch a fun ride in a pickup truck for a few kilometers. Best of all, you’ll come back on the Mekong in the beautiful late afternoon light, the best time of day to see life on the river.
Pro: Combining two key experiences in Laos, it’s fantastic to get out onto the river, scenery.
Con: If you spent two days on a slow boat to Luang Prabang, a boat trip probably won’t be so exciting for you.
Riding a motorbike to Kuang Si Waterfall
Yes, it’s a nice and fun way to get to Kuang Si. The road is paved and the scenery rather pretty. Renting a motorbike in Luang Prabang will cost around $20/day + petrol. People often ask me, “Is it safe to ride a motorbike Luang Prabang? The traffic doesn’t seem so bad.” This is my reply:
Traffic isn’t the main issue, nor is it the speed at which they drive. The issue is that people in Laos don’t know how to drive the way you know how to drive. Throw your assumptions of “rules of the road” out the window. The amount of vehicles (especially large trucks) have ballooned over the past two years and people don’t know how to deal with sharing the road and are oblivious to others. And don’t be surprised if you see 12-year old kids street racing or suicidal dogs darting out onto the road.
So I always say, if you’ve never driven a motorbike before, on holiday in Luang Prabang is not the place to learn.
Pro: Independence, get to see the scenery.
Con: If you get into an accident, you’ll discover just how poor medical facilities are in Laos.
Cycling to Kuang Si Waterfall
Kids returning home from school on the road to Kuang Si
23 km one way and it’s hilly. You’ll want a good bike with gears and if it’s a hot time of year, set out very early. Beware it will be dusty and smoky during hot-dry season (February-April). One option is to cycle one way and catch a tuk-tuk back or vice-versa. The journey to the falls is the uphill battle. It’s fairly straightforward to navigate your way there. Get a Hobo Area Map for peace of mind.
Pro: Slow down to see villages and the views
Con: Don’t count on being able to hitch a ride if you want to quit mid-way
Car to Kuang Si Waterfall
Hiring a private vehicle will mean an air-conditioned minivan and a driver. It costs 250,000 kip ($30US) flat-rate so this method is very economical for a group.
Pro: The most comfortable way to go. Inexpensive for a group. The flexibility to leave Kuang Si when you want to.
Con: Expensive for 1 or 2 people.
Get there instantly. The most convenient way for wizards and witches since flying on broomsticks is illegal in Laos.
Pro: The fastest way to get to Kuang Si.
Con: As always, you must have a License to Apparate from the Department of Magical Transportation and there is always risk of splinching.
- Tad Kuang Si / Kuang Si Waterfall flows year round. Less water from March to May. Big water June to October.
- Entrance is 20,000 kip.
- There are changing huts and vendors selling snacks and drinks. Don’t be a dickhead and litter.
- Some of the pools are considered sacred. Obey the signs and swim only where permitted.
- Bring money to buy an awesome Free the Bears t-shirt at the Bear Sanctuary inside Kuang Si park (included with admission). Read the feature I wrote about Free the Bears Laos on Travelfish.
- Trails are not paved but hard-packed and fairly even. Can be very slippery when wet. Only 15-minutes of walking from the bottom to the big falls.
- Women who wear bikinis may attract an audience of curious spectators.

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